4 Email Mistakes Real Estate Agents Should Avoid

full mailboxMost real estate agents understand the need for effective email marketing, but some struggle with creating the right messages. Others make the mistake of saturating their audience with too many emails, which leads to opt-outs, spam flags and poor open rates. Here’s 4 common email marketing mistakes for real estate agents to avoid!

1. Sending messages that lack a purpose. Every story must have a plot, and every email must have a purpose. Rambling, vague email messages will annoy your audience and reflect poorly on your professionalism.

Solve this by organizing your lead database into specific categories of client types. Then, create an email campaign strategy for each audience or use the pre-written content that comes with a good real estate CRM. Create messages that offer information of value for each type of recipient.

2. Pitching too hard. Coming on too strong in your subject lines and email messages can cause prospects to backpedal. Avoid being pushy or over-eager, and avoid creating messages that sound sales-centric.

Instead, be a reliable source of market data, real estate news and industry trends.

3. Bait-and-switch subject lines. Compelling subject lines lead to higher click-through rates. But messages that don’t deliver what they promise, lead to lost prospects! Don’t lead in with, “#1 Secret for Improving Home Value” without actually providing it in the message!

By delivering what you promise in your email messages, you’ll establish trust that will help convert leads to active clients.

4. Too many messages. Selling homes isn’t like selling coffee. Most real estate clients will buy or sell a home every few years at best. Sending a monthly message, like a Monthly e-Newsletter is adequate for leads who are not likely to buy or sell within the next 6 months.

For leads who are more likely to buy or sell during the next 6 months or less, bi-weekly messages are feasible. For leads with timelines of 3 month or less, weekly messages can be issued. As always, the key is to provide useful information!

Using a robust CRM for real estate like IXACT Contact helps you create effective email marketing! With features such as customizable, automated Monthly e-Newsletters and email marketing templates, IXACT Contact helps you deliver useful content to your prospects. If you are not already using IXACT Contact, sign up now for the free 5-week trial!

Carrie Gable & the Real Estate Virtual Assistant team at RealSupport, Inc. work for many top real estate agents & brokers nationwide, offering marketing campaigns, branding, website & logo design, listing marketing efforts, lead management, technical support, marketing presentations, social media setup & management, copywriting, blogging and much more.

