4 Marketing Automation Mistakes that Will Hurt your Real Estate Business

While we haven’t quite gotten to the point of robot personal assistants, technology has added a lot of features to make our lives easier.

For real estate professionals, this technology takes form of marketing automation. When you’re not bogged down by administrative tasks, or overwhelmed by dozens of sticky note reminders, you have more time to focus on what you do best: helping clients buy and sell homes.

If you aren’t taking advantage of marketing automation opportunities, you may be losing valuable time. Even worse, you might be letting quality real estate leads fall through the cracks and be missing out on commissions.

Here are the top four marketing automation mistakes that you might be making that can hurt your real estate business.

Mistake 1: Manually typing out emails.

You probably know that email has revolutionized the way we communicate these days. Perhaps email is already a part of your strategy for keeping in touch with your real estate leads and past clients.

If you’re manually typing out emails to keep in touch with your contacts, you’re spending a lot of valuable time drafting those messages.

Automated nurture emails are a secret weapon for top producing real estate professionals. Your emails will be delivered at regular intervals and convey a relevant message to your contacts.

IXACT Contact real estate CRM comes pre-loaded with email templates ready to be sent. When you assign a contact to an email campaign, you can rest easy knowing that they will receive email messages from you on a regular basis, helping you keep in touch without having to type a word!

Mistake 2: Creating your own eNewsletter.

Most real estate agents recognize the value of sending a monthly communication to leads and past clients. It’s a nice way to add value, share knowledge, and gently remind them that you’re there to help with their real estate needs.

But in the midst of all your daily tasks, do you have time to write up quality articles and lay them out in an attractive design? Not likely.

An automated eNewsletter is a powerful way to keep in touch on a monthly basis, establish you as an expert in all things real estate and home ownership, and remind your contacts of who you are.

IXACT Contact comes with a professionally written and designed monthly eNewsletter, that you can choose to automatically go out to your contacts. You can send the eNewsletter as it is, or customize it. This simple “set it and forget it” feature has the capacity to revolutionize your business with automation!

Mistake 3: Making “mental notes” of important dates.

Don’t make the mistake of relying on your memory or your scribbled sticky notes when it comes to important dates. Reaching out with warm wishes is one of the best ways to build your relationship, so make sure you take advantage of it!

Again, it’s automation to the rescue! IXACT Contact real estate CRM can automatically send you reminders of your contacts’ birthdays and move in anniversaries. Acting like your personal assistant, these reminders will help you stay in touch more effectively.

Mistake 4: Letting tasks slip through the cracks.


During busy seasons in real estate, you have a lot on the go. And forgetting an appointment or to complete a task is an error that can cost you a commission.

With IXACT Contact’s Active Business functionality, you can track important property and listing details, key dates, showings information, and more. Automated reminders will notify you of when it’s time to complete your tasks, so nothing falls through the cracks.

The Active Business area of IXACT Contact acts like your virtual transaction coordinator. This helps keep you organized and in control, and allowing you to handle more business more professionally than ever.


Are you making the most of the marketing automation tools available to you as a real estate professional?

Keep in touch more consistently with automated emails and monthly eNewsletters. Also, stay on top of important dates and tasks with automated reminders. These are just a few of the ways IXACT Contact can help you stay in control of your business. Start your free 5 week trial of IXACT Contact.

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