6 Key Benefits of Using a Real Estate CRM

Real estate CRMCheck out the below article from Jay Thompson, Zillow’s Directory of Industry Outreach. In the post Jay articulates, extremely well, six important benefits to using a real estate CRM. This is a must-read for every Agent! Keep in mind that you can do everything Jay discusses in this post with IXACT Contact.


CRM stands for customer relationship management. To some agents, CRM means software that is designed to help manage clients. Others consider CRM as a philosophy or strategy for how to run a business. Still others view CRM as a process that involves strategy, software and systems to gather, nurture and ultimately convert contacts to clients.

Regardless of your definition, the fact is nearly every top real estate agent uses some form of a CRM solution in their business. Which particular product they use isn’t as material as what they do with it.

In talking with dozens of agents who use a real estate CRM to convert contacts to clients, six benefits rise to the top of the list.

One place for information

Most successful real estate professionals have multiple lead generation streams. You probably get contacts from sources such as your sphere of influence (SOI), your website, social media platforms, direct mail campaigns, farming, online advertising sites, and more. Maintaining individual databases for all these lead gen sources is cumbersome at best, and likely horribly inefficient.

With a CRM, you can consolidate information from all your lead generation sources in one place. Contacts are easily collected and organized, and you can access the information from various platforms (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, mobile device).

Immediate responses

Responding immediately to inquiries, particularly online inquires, is a critical component of successful conversion. Many real estate CRMs include an auto-response feature that you can program to provide an immediate response to contacts.

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