Are You Tracking Where Your Real Estate Sales Business is Coming From?

Real estate professional, John Marshall, published this blog post on ActiveRain earlier on in the month and he makes some exceptional points. It’s such a good post that we think it deserves a re-blog. In this post, John mentions that when he looked at where his business was coming from last year, he discovered that the […]

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Understand Leads and Prospects Better and Gain Deep Insights Into Your Real Estate Sales Business Through Reports

As a real estate sales professional, it’s important to ensure you’re using your real estate CRM, or real estate contact management system, to understand those in your sphere of influence (SOI) better. Reports and the insight you’ll uncover from them will allow you to market to prospects better, discover new leads, wow past clients and […]

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Top 5 Ways a Web-Based CRM Saves You Money and Hassles

Today’s new breed of web-based contact management systems (also known as CRMs) have many advantages over traditional PC-based purchased software, and saving money is just one them.  Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why a hosted or web-based CRM is your best bet: 1. Less risk. When you purchase PC-based software, […]

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Client Appreciation Events and Loyalty in Real Estate Sales

“What did you do this summer?” a friend asks. Chances are your answer will relate to an event you attended, such as a trip to a theme park with the kids, a family reunion BBQ, or participation in a golf tournament. People remember events. That’s why hosting a client appreciation event can be so effective. […]

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Why Targeted, Personalized Messaging Will Pay Off for You

Never underestimate the business-building impact of well-written emails and letters that are targeted and personalized. Time and again, they’ll beat out shotgun style email campaigns. According to a great book by Daniel Goleman, entitled, “Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships,” Goleman uses a social neuroscience approach to explain people’s differing reactions to being […]

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The Easy Way to Generate Referrals and Repeat Business

As a real estate sales professional, you’re always looking for ways to bring in new business. Many Agents spend a lot of time and energy hunting for new business and trying to acquire new clients. What many fail to realize is that the real value lies in investing your energy into furthering the existing relationships […]

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