Top 5 Ways Real Estate Sales Professionals Can Generate Referrals and Real Estate Leads

1. Keep in touch with past clients through a combination of direct mail pieces, phone conversations, and face-to-face meetings or events. After you sell your client’s home or find their dream property, the buyer-Agent relationship shouldn’t end. The average person knows 3-5 people who will move each and every year. 2. Have a contact management […]

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Don’t Forget Your Real Estate Leads

Dirk Zeller wrote an excellent article today on how we tend to deal with challenges and discouragement in our lives. What is interesting is is that if you have a good real estate software in place, it’s easy to prevent the negative impact that these discouargements can have on one’s business. The article starts as follows: “We all […]

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But How Do I Gather Information On My Clients?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post that outlined some of things you might want to learn about your contacts over time in order to build deeper and more meaningful relationships.  This post generated a lot of questions about exactly HOW one goes about gathering this information.  The key is to view this as […]

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Contacting a Past Client You’ve Lost Touch With

One of the key elements of successful referral and repeat marketing is keeping in touch with past clients. Only by communicating in just the right way, at just the right frequency, can you ensure a steady stream of referrals and repeat sales. But what if you’ve lost touch with a client you did business with […]

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Tell Tale Signs of Poor Real Estate Contact Management

I’m often asked by Agents why they should care about contact management.  It looks like work to them and they’d rather be out and about.  Here’s the answer: Being an Agent is a tough job, but doing a poor job of contact management makes a tough job even tougher. Every agent has heard about contact […]

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