How to Get your Real Estate Business Working for you and not the Other Way

Getting a real estate CRM is easy. In fact, it is so easy, that it is just a few clicks away. The steps following that are simple too, especially with a good real estate CRM. With the help of an easy set-up wizard, concierge call, and webinars, you are well on your way to getting […]

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5 Ways to Lose a Lead Real Quick

Leads are the lifeblood of any business. Period. Whether you are communicating to a lead or client, both should be given the same amount of attention. If a prospect is recommended to you, finds you online or hears about you by way of word of mouth, the clock is starting for you to make them […]

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Booming Marketing Trends in Real Estate

  Real estate marketing is evolving at a rapid pace, and in such a competitive environment, real estate agents need to be at the forefront of cutting-edge trends to appeal to the needs of their evolving clientele. Hot markets, fluctuating demand, evolving technology, and new generations of homeowners all play a role in shaping the […]

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6 Tips for a High-Octane Instagram Account

  As social media continues to evolve and grow in popularity, Instagram is the platform on steroids as it dominates the social media game, making it the fastest growing social media platform across the planet. Consider this, in less than six years, we’ve shared over four times more photos than there are human beings on […]

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How a Real Estate CRM Can Keep You Organized

  There’s a lot of positive psychology behind the idea of remaining organized. Staying organized is difficult because of all the clutter we accumulate, and there is never enough time to methodically sort everything into a coherent manner. In the world of real estate, organization is essential; where misplaced documentation, files, or dates can have […]

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