Why You Need a Real Estate CRM for Your Business

Check out this great video blog from real estate coach Tom Ferry.Here are some key points Tom highlights in the video: One of the biggest client complaints is lack of communication and follow-up from their Agent. If you want to provide an exceptional service experience to your clients, a real estate CRM is essential because […]

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Are Your Happy Clients Doing Business With Another Agent?

real estate client loyalty

It has been found that nearly three quarters of clients would use their agent again. However, according to a National Association of Agents study, repeat business accounted for under a quarter of transactions in 2012 for those in the business less than 16 years. Most clients are happy with the service their agent provided. But […]

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Amazing New Email Marketing Enhancements to IXACT Contact’s Real Estate CRM!

IXACT Contact has always been a leader when it comes to powerful email marketing functionality built right into the real estate CRM. But we’ve just taken it a step further with a suite of robust email marketing features that have just been added to the system! Add social media sharing buttons to any mass email […]

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3 Ways Technology Helps You Become a Superstar Real Estate Agent

rookie realtor

There are a multitude of ways technology can help you take your business to the next level and build your reputation as a top-notch Agent – an agent that people love to refer to those they know. Here are three ways you can use your real estate CRM to generate quality leads, convert your leads […]

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Your Wicked-Awesome Client Bank

Below is a great article by Amanda Ross, owner of RealtyBoost. It was originally featured in REM Magazine. Amanda is so right when she says failing to do what you say you’re going to do, such as return a phone call, follow-up at a specific time, or attend an event, will have negative impacts on […]

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Are You Making These 5 Fatal Real Estate Email Marketing Mistakes?

Do you want to make sure you’re following key real estate email marketing best practices? Are you wondering if there’s anything you should be doing differently? Below are five fatal email marketing mistakes that we see some agents making: 1.  All about you or what you’re selling You need to make sure the “WIIFM” is […]

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