Satisfied Customers to Loyal Customers – Your Key to Real Estate Sales Success

In this blog post, top real estate virtual trainer and IXACT Contact affiliate, Pamela Cendejas, explains how to turn satisfied customers into loyal ones – the kind of clients who bring you referrals and repeat business, year after year.  As you’ll read, communication and keeping in touch is key.  Be sure to use your real […]

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Real Estate CRM for Mac and iPad: 3 Things to Think About

As a Mac user, you may be wondering what the best real estate CRM for Mac and iPad is. After all, most of the CRMs on the market have been designed with PC mind. We know that even with a lot of searching, real estate agent software for Mac users can be hard to find.  […]

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5 Ways to Use a Real Estate CRM to Get More Organized

Earlier on in the year, I wrote a blog post for on how agents can use a real estate CRM to get more organized. I got tons of positive feedback on that post from Agents saying it was very helpful to them. That’s why I decided to re-blog it below. Enjoy! Organization and time […]

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[Infographic] Does a Technologically-Savvy Real Estate Agent Make More Money?

rookie realtor

Investing in technology, such as a real estate CRM, a tablet, and mobile apps can make a big difference when it comes to agent success, as this infographic illustrates. And check out this study, where ActiveRain highlights the differences between the highest and lowest earning Agents. Highlights: Over 50% of respondents making over 100k a […]

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10 Tips for Great Customer Service

real estate leads

Today’s post is written by Carrie Gable, President and CEO of RealSupport Inc., a leading real estate virtual assistance company. As Carrie and her team will tell you, responding to real estate leads fast and keeping clients in the know is a whole lot easier with a good real estate contact management system, like IXACT […]

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What You Wear Matters More Than You Might Think When It Comes to Getting Real Estate Leads

ixact contact news

You need some landscaping done, so you start looking for the right professional for the job. You meet two potential contractors. The first greets you wearing jeans and a dirty t-shirt. The brochures he shows you are dog eared. His truck is old and caked in dirt. Although he may be a skilled contractor, he […]

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