Simple Social Media Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents across North America have been using social media to connect with real estate clients for many years now, leveraging sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to reach and engage clients and prospects – all with a goal of driving new business.

If social media is on your radar as a marketing strategy to explore but you’re not sure where to start, here are a few simple social media strategies you may want to consider.

Take a Multi-Channel Approach

Since different social media platforms attract different audiences and demographics that evolve over time, it is wise to build a professional presence on multiple social media sites. You can share similar content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, but you should customize it for each platform. For example, a short 15 to 30 second video clip can be posted on all your platforms, but to avoid repetition you should change up the caption and headline that accompanies the clip. 

Get Social Reviews and Testimonials

People tend to trust peer comments exponentially more than they trust comments from businesses. This means that it is more important than ever to show testimonials and reviews on your social media accounts.

  • Turn the Reviews tab on your Facebook Business Page on and ask your happy clients to give you a five star rating.
  • Give LinkedIn recommendations to your peers and colleagues and don’t be afraid ask them to return the favor.
  • Reply to authentic direct messages (DMs) on social media as quickly as possible to let future and current clients know that you are an engaged realtor who is paying attention to feedback and questions.

Create a Facebook Cover Video

Did you know that instead of using a cover photo on your Facebook business page, you can upload a video? The video will automatically start playing (with the sound off) when users land on your Facebook page. Smart marketers are taking advantage of this new feature to showcase their personal brand and services in an attention-grabbing way. By taking the time to show a targeted, engaging video, you can quickly set your Facebook page apart from the rest.

Snap and Share Photos

Remember that old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”? In today’s attention-limited culture, it rings truer than ever. Images have an immense amount of power to capture attention and convey information quickly. Online audiences often spend more time looking at the images than they do reading text on the page. Share images of yourself at work, your listings, communities you work in and more. Let the images on your social media platforms tell your story!

Automate Your Social Sharing

Committing to keeping your social media activity regular is easiest when you automate some of the posts. IXACT Content offers a new tool called Social Stream that is designed to keep your social media accounts fresh for you. It’s an add-on to the IXACT Contact subscription that automates the process of finding and streaming high quality content to your social media sites. Social Stream publishes curated real estate content from many of the world’s top-tier publications right in your social media feeds. Most importantly, when people click on an image, article or video shared via Social Stream, they’re taken to a special, branded webpage created just for you, complete with a form to capture leads. Realtors that use Social Stream benefit from a more active, engaging social media presence that takes no time at all to manage!

Start your FREE 5 week free trial of IXACT Contact now.
