You’ve got a Real Estate CRM, now what?

You’ve heard it from your colleagues, other fellow real estate agents and even we have preached about it time and time again; a real estate-focused CRM is key to taking that next step in growing your real estate business. But what happens after you have taken that next step and crossed it off your list? […]

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Start on your New Year’s Resolution- A Real Estate CRM can Help you!

Like many others, prior to the new year, you compile a list of resolutions, or goals you will work to accomplish once the clock hits twelve. Unfortunately, many of those new year’s resolutions fade away. Goals like hitting the gym a few times a week, eating healthier, saving money and become less engulfed in social […]

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4 Reasons You’re Losing Real Estate Referral Business

92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family above all other forms of advertising (RETechnology). When someone is thinking of making a huge decision like buying or selling a home, you can be sure they seek advice from trusted friends and family. Referrals are a powerful source of leads for real estate professionals.  No […]

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How to Connect with a Millennial Homebuyer

Saying the words ‘Millennials’ and ‘home ownership’ in the same sentence usually has mixed results – especially with experts lamenting them for not jumping into the real estate market in droves. Millennials have been the primary marketing focus of almost every business model in virtually every industry. This is mainly because they are the largest […]

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What do Real Estate Clients actually want?

Buying or selling a home is a major emotional event. Clients put their faith on the line with a real estate agent to deliver and exceed their expectations – while remaining a rock throughout this roller coaster ride. While every client and situation is different, there are many similarities that stand out to help you […]

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