Identifying Hot Prospects in Real Estate Sales

Here’s a typical scenario… A Agent gets what she believes to be a hot prospect. Over the next several weeks she calls and visits. The prospect is friendly enough. In fact, the agent has numerous conversations with him and answers question after question. But as the weeks go by, nothing happens. Finally, the agent realizes, […]

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Why Targeted, Personalized Messaging Will Pay Off for You

Never underestimate the business-building impact of well-written emails and letters that are targeted and personalized. Time and again, they’ll beat out shotgun style email campaigns. According to a great book by Daniel Goleman, entitled, “Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships,” Goleman uses a social neuroscience approach to explain people’s differing reactions to being […]

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The Easy Way to Generate Referrals and Repeat Business

As a real estate sales professional, you’re always looking for ways to bring in new business. Many Agents spend a lot of time and energy hunting for new business and trying to acquire new clients. What many fail to realize is that the real value lies in investing your energy into furthering the existing relationships […]

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Top Ten Things To Learn About Your Clients And Add To Your Real Estate CRM

One of the questions I’m asked all the time by Agents is “what information about my clients should I add to my real estate software, beyond the obvious name, address, phone numbers, email address?” These agents want to improve their real estate marketing efforts and have more meaningful and personalized interactions with their clients. It’s […]

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Dear Old Dad – AKA “The Deal Killer”

Liz and Bill Spear of RE/MAX Elite wrote an interesting blog post on Active Rain yesterday about the perils of discovering that your young home buyers are relying on “dear old Dad” to act as their advisor and coach on their home buying process.  Here’s an excerpt from their post: There are few things that […]

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“I’m not sure if you remember me…”

This is a re-blog of a post by Dawn Fabiszak on Active Rain from a couple of days ago.  It’s a great example of how effective contact management helps her build deep and lasting client relationships.  Over to Dawn: Yesterday I received a call that started out with, “I’m not sure if you remember me….”. My […]

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