How to leverage IXACT Contact’s success system to become the top real estate agent in 2022

You might wonder what is a success system and why would I need it? Read on to find out the answer. A well-organized database is a steppingstone in building relationships and getting contacts to “know, like and trust you”. It is equally important for capturing and following up on leads. That is why IXACT Contact […]

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How to Stay Connected With Your Growing Clientele

Real estate agents who only focus on generating new customers risk losing the long game. If you want to stay connected with your growing clientele, continuous relationship building is key. This means staying top of mind, expanding your network, and generating repeat and referral business. Your current clients are the ones who can bring you referrals […]

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The Greatest Online Marketing Tool for Real Estate Professionals

online marketing for realtors

As social media explodes in popularity and mobile use expands, you might be re-strategizing how to spend your marketing dollars. You might also be cringing at the idea of spending an inordinate amount of money on relatively new, untested waters, like social media ads. But, you have to go where the eyeballs are, right? Absolutely! […]

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The 3 Things All Agents Need to Be Doing to Grow Their Business

You may feel a bit overwhelmed with all the advice you get about how to grow your real estate business. Maybe you can only implement a few changes and need to figure out which are the really important ones to focus on and which ones you can put on the back-burner for the time being. […]

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5 Great Alternatives to Real Estate Marketing Postcards

realtor postcard alternatives

Check out these amazing alternatives to real estate marketing postcards that are all super quick and easy to implement into your business with a good CRM for Agents. 1. Real estate Drip drip marketing campaigns Drip marketing campaigns help you automate some of your keep in touch work. A great real estate CRM will come […]

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How to Get More Referrals from Your Real Estate CRM Database

word of mouth advertising

Want more referrals? Well, there may be more opportunity for referrals than you ever imagined right under your nose. The key is to focus in on your “personal circle;” friends, family, and acquaintances who may be willing to recommend you to others. The average homeowner knows three to five people who will move each year. […]

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