6 Unforgivable Real Estate Email Marketing Misconceptions

Say it with me now, “Email marketing IS NOT dead! Email marketing IS NOT dead!” And it’s not going anywhere. So buckle your seatbelt because once we debunk these email marketing misconceptions and you learn some new good practices, you’ll find new levels of real estate success! As an Agent, marketing is important for attracting […]

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Get Hot Real Estate Leads from Cold Emails

Agents who want to convert real estate leads into ready clients must master writing effective emails. Simply put, a cold email is a message to a prospect whom you haven’t communicated with before. To help you craft an amazing cold email, we’re sharing tips from Entrepreneur magazine, along with our own insights! Cold emails need to […]

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4 Email Mistakes Real Estate Agents Should Avoid

Most real estate agents understand the need for effective email marketing, but some struggle with creating the right messages. Others make the mistake of saturating their audience with too many emails, which leads to opt-outs, spam flags and poor open rates. Here’s 4 common email marketing mistakes for real estate agents to avoid! 1. Sending […]

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Why Email Marketing Works for Real Estate Agents

Finding cost-effective marketing solutions is a priority for real estate agents. And with ever-growing advertising options available, it’s tempting to throw money around and see what works. Yet this type of random marketing experiment rarely brings results. The fact is, you can save time and money by using the proven power of email marketing with […]

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Using Email to Leverage Your Real Estate Marketing Strategies

Real estate agents invest time and money in their Agent websites, social media pages and CRM software, but they may not realize how to tie these efforts together! A recent article in Entrepreneur magazine revealed why email should be at the center of your real estate marketing marketing. We’re sharing the highlights, along with our suggestions […]

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How to Get More Real Estate Leads by Using Reporting

real estate reporting

Many of the savvy real estate marketers I know are big believers in email marketing – and it’s no wonder why!  According to a study by McKinsey, conversion rates to purchase are three times higher with email marketing than with social media! Email marketing is a cost effective way to keep in touch and stay […]

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