The 80/20 Rule in Real Estate Marketing: Focusing Your Energy for Maximum Results

A collection of colorful sticky notes with "The 80/20 Rule in Real Estate Marketing" written on them, illustrating a key real estate marketing concept.

What is the “80/20 rule”? In real estate marketing, it’s the idea that 80% of outcomes are the result of just 20% of your input. In real estate, this often means that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your leads—typically past clients and referrals. Instead of trying to do it all (and running […]

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How To Get More Business From Your Database?

If you are a real estate agent then you have a contact list, but oftentimes you don’t know how to leverage that contact list. Your contact list contains all your past clients, prospects, and current clients. Maybe you have the contact list on Google or Outlook, but you have no idea what to do with […]

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How to turn leads into lifetime clients?

What is the one thing that will separate you from your colleagues or elevate your business to the next level? Read on…The answer is simple; it is referrals and repeat business that will help you lift your business and give you a competitive edge with your colleagues.  When your real estate leads turn into loyal […]

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How a Real Estate CRM Can Keep You Organized

  There’s a lot of positive psychology behind the idea of remaining organized. Staying organized is difficult because of all the clutter we accumulate, and there is never enough time to methodically sort everything into a coherent manner. In the world of real estate, organization is essential; where misplaced documentation, files, or dates can have […]

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How to Leverage Social Proof as a Real Estate Agent

  “Smart marketers know that social proof is the marketing tactic for easing the minds of worried customers.” Social proof is the new cornerstone to a focused marketing campaign, because it’s the type of collateral that connects happy customers to prospective customers – and with the bombardment of modern marketing messages, this will strike a chord faster. According to […]

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5 Shocking yet True Real Estate Statistics

An article published by The Close confirms of 57 real estate statistics that help real estate agents and those in the industry understand their market better. Understanding and leveraging these statistics to your benefit is the goal of this blog post. We have highlighted five of the statistics in the article that we feel is the […]

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