The Most Effective Real Estate Marketing Tactic is…

During the 2012 Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® Conference in Orlando, Florida, Imprev conducted a survey among the Agents who attended and came back with some interesting real estate marketing findings. The focus of this article is the survey’s findings as they relate to real estate contact management. Email marketing was ranked by […]

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Do You Have a Healthy Real Estate Contact Management Database?

The below article is a re-blog by Real Estate Coach Bruce Keith. The article underscores what can happen for Agents who embrace real estate contact management in their business. If you’re using IXACT Contact’s real estate CRM on a daily basis, your contact with clients will become more meaningful and productive, your database will continue to grow, […]

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Give Your Real Estate Contact Management Database a Check-Up

You take your car in for regular maintenance so that it continues to run smoothly. You take yourself in for regular check-ups to make sure you remain healthy and energetic. So, why don’t you take your business in for a check-up to make sure it’s running efficiently and profitably? Conducting regular check-ups is an important part of […]

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The Biggest Failure of the Real Estate Industry – Communication

This is a re-blog from an article written by Lani Rosales of AGBeat. It underscores the importance of communication and how it directly impacts client satisfaction. As one of the key benefits of using a real estate CRM is the ability to ensure you’re keeping in touch and communicating appropriately with your clients and prospects, […]

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How Many Real Estate Leads Can You Handle?

How many real estate leads can you diligently follow-up on over the course of a week? Five? Ten? Twenty? When it comes to real estate lead management, are more leads always better? You may believe the more the better, but it’s the quality of the real estate leads you call that will have the biggest […]

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Do you use a Real Estate CRM? Are You Embracing or Resisting Change?

This week we’ve decided to share a video on our blog with you of a speech by Dave Liniger, RE/MAX Chairman and Co-Founder. Liniger was recently named the “People’s Choice Most Influential Real Estate Leader” by Inman News. As you’ll see below, what Liniger discusses heavily relates to the importance of using a real estate […]

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