The Fastest Ways to Build Up Your Real Estate Contact Management System

Your database/ real estate contact management system of past clients, hot prospects and business-to-business referral sources is your most valuable business asset. The more clients, real estate leads, and quality contacts in general that you have in your database, the more repeat business and referrals you’re likely to get (assuming, of course, you communicate with those […]

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Top 3 Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Build Client Loyalty

You’ve developed a good relationship with a past client or referral source (and, of course, your real estate CRM played a key role!). You’ve built loyalty with that person, or are confident that you are well on your way. How do you maintain that momentum so that the loyalty you’ve worked so hard to nurture […]

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Free Real Estate CRM from Your Office?

Here’s the scenario.  Your brokerage or office provides you with a real estate contact management (CRM) system for free.  What a sweet deal, right? Not so fast.  If you go this route, you may be setting yourself up for serious headaches and a potential disaster down the road.  Here’s why. The first challenge is that […]

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Win IXACT Contact’s Real Estate CRM for 6 Months FREE!

Follow us on Twitter and be automatically entered into a draw to win IXACT Contact’s real estate CRM for 6 months FREE! We’ll pick the winner at random on January 5th. In addition to being entered into our exciting sweepstakes, by following us on Twitter, you will: Stay up to date on new product releases […]

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New Enhancements to Save You Time and Make Your Real Estate Marketing Shine!

1. NEW “QUICK TASK” LINK IN LEFT PANE AND CONTACT PROFILE. Here’s the scenario:  you want to look up a client’s phone number, give her a call, log the conversation, and create your follow-up task.  Before today, the first two steps were a snap with the “More Info” and “Log Call” links in the left pane.  […]

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How Referral Worthy Are You

Take this quiz to see how well you’re doing with getting referrals in real estate. Are you using a real estate contact management software?

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