8 Incredible Stats about Real Estate Referrals

Recently, Buffini & Company brought some key stats to our attention that we’d like to share with you. All of this information underscores how vital it is to stay in touch with your database and build relationships with those in your real estate sphere of influence (SOI) over time. 1. 82% of all real estate transactions […]

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Are Your Happy Clients Doing Business With Another Agent?

real estate client loyalty

It has been found that nearly three quarters of clients would use their agent again. However, according to a National Association of Agents study, repeat business accounted for under a quarter of transactions in 2012 for those in the business less than 16 years. Most clients are happy with the service their agent provided. But […]

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Who Should I Add to My Real Estate CRM?

real estate marketing

Today’s blog post is by leading real estate sales trainer, Bruce Keith. Bruce is an IXACT Contact partner and founder of Bruce Keith Results. Enjoy: Here’s a question most Salespeople wrestle with… “I just spoke with the Johnsons, I never met them before – should I add them to my real estate contact management software?” […]

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Top 10 Things All Agents Should Be Doing

Here are ten essential things every Agent should be doing to maximize their business success. Enjoy! 1. Continue to provide value to past clients The relationship with a client shouldn’t end once the transaction is over. If you want to get referrals and repeat business, you need to continue to stay “top of mind” and provide […]

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It’s Not Too Late to Get Back in Touch

real estate client loyalty

Today’s blog post is by leading real estate sales trainer, Bruce Keith. Bruce is an IXACT Contact partner and founder of Bruce Keith Results. Enjoy: Do you have anyone in your Agent CRM (a past client or a lead) that you hesitate to contact because “It’s been so long that I’m embarrassed to follow-up with […]

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IXACT Contact’s Agent CRM Gets New Email and Lead Capture Automation Features

With our new Email Correspondence Capture, you can now capture all email correspondence with your clients and prospects right into your IXACT Contact real estate CRM! No more copying and pasting emails into the contact history or having to type in manual notes! This new feature will help you get more organized and free up […]

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