How to actually Generate Good Quality Leads on Facebook

  Facebook is a social media giant that people use to connect with friends and family, watch videos, get news updates, and maybe even do some networking. Latest stats in November 2019 show there are approximately 2.41 billion monthly users on Facebook. Now, what if you started to look at Facebook as a whole new […]

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Simple Social Media Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents across North America have been using social media to connect with real estate clients for many years now, leveraging sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to reach and engage clients and prospects – all with a goal of driving new business. If social media is on your radar as a […]

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How Social Stream Doubles Your Social Media Lead Generation

In just one minute on any given day, Facebook users like posts 4.1 million times, Instagram gets 2.1 million likes, 300 hours of video are uploaded and 347,000 tweets are being sent. That is a ridiculous amount of content being pushed out everyday! With this rapid pace we keep forging ahead with, it’s not uncommon […]

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